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New blood test can detect ovarian cancer in its early stages

New blood test can detect ovarian cancer in its early stages

Relatively few cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in their early stages, so many people lose the opportunity for effective treatment. A newly developed blood test, however, could change this situation. Can a new blood test help doctors detect ovarian cancer early? The American Cancer Society (ACS) state that “only about 20 percent of ovarian […]

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Does baby powder cause cancer? What to know

Does baby powder cause cancer? What to know

Many people use baby powder to absorb moisture and cut down on friction. This can help prevent rashes and skin irritation from chafing. Some, but not all, baby powders are talcum powder, made with talc. Talc is one of the softest minerals in the world. As a powder, it can absorb oils, moisture, and odor, […]

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Ovarian cancer: Newer birth control pills may lower risk

Ovarian cancer: Newer birth control pills may lower risk

A new, large-scale study published in The BMJ suggests that newer birth control pills can significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer among young women. Newer birth control pills may keep ovarian cancer at bay, reports new research. In the United States, ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers, according to […]

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Blocking ovarian cancer’s energy supply helps curb spread

Blocking ovarian cancer’s energy supply helps curb spread

It is often the case that an ovarian cancer diagnosis reveals that the tumor has already spread to nearby tissue. Now, scientists have discovered a potential way to cut off the energy supply fueling this invasive stage of ovarian cancer. Have scientists found a new way to stop the spread of ovarian cancer? A new […]

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Ovarian cancer: Scientists find a way to launch dual attack

Ovarian cancer: Scientists find a way to launch dual attack

Hitting two targets on the cancer cell could greatly increase the power of antibody therapy to kill ovarian cancer. A new two-pronged approach could kill ovarian cancer (depicted here). Antibody therapy is a type of immune therapy, or immunotherapy, that uses enhanced antibodies to identify disease targets and then kill them or summon immune cells […]

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Ovarian cancer and weight gain: What’s the link?

Ovarian cancer and weight gain: What’s the link?

Symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal swelling and bloating, both of which people may link to weight gain. Also, some people with ovarian cancer may experience weight gain due to treatment or just living with the disease. Ovarian cancer begins when cells in the ovaries or the fallopian tubes start to grow in an uncontrolled […]

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Can ovarian cysts become cancerous?

Can ovarian cysts become cancerous?

Most ovarian cysts are harmless and often clear up on their own without treatment. Rarely, some types of ovarian cysts can develop into ovarian cancer. The risk of a cyst becoming cancer is higher in people who have been through menopause. In this article, we look at ovarian cysts and explain how they can sometimes […]

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What are the first symptoms of ovarian cancer?

What are the first symptoms of ovarian cancer?

It is often difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer in its early stages because the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. Anyone who experiences unexplained abdominal symptoms that last for more than 2 weeks should see a doctor. Ovarian cancer can also be challenging to detect early because the ovaries are small and located […]

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Viruses reprogrammed to attack cancer

Viruses reprogrammed to attack cancer

While viruses are best known for causing disease and suffering, scientists have recently designed a way to use them as a force for good in the fight against cancer. Viruses (an example of which is shown here) have a bad name, but can they be used therapeutically?Image credit: Graham Beards Viruses are small, rapidly replicating, […]