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How your flu medicine can affect your heart

How your flu medicine can affect your heart

January is at the heart of the cold and flu season, and whenever the sneezing and coughing hits, we tend to stock up on anti-inflammatories and decongestants to help us fight these symptoms. However, the American Heart Association warn that these drugs can have unwanted effects on the heart. Some of the most common drugs […]

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How certain bacteria protect us against flu

How certain bacteria protect us against flu

A new study brings us closer to an anti-flu probiotic pill. By subtly altering the bacteria in our nose and throat, we might be able to beat influenza. The respiratory system’s microbiome could help researchers defeat the influenza virus (pictured). In most cases, when someone mentions the microbiome, they are referring to the bacteria in […]

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12 remedios naturales para acabar con las tos

12 remedios naturales para acabar con las tos

La tos juega un papel fundamental en la eliminación de los elementos irritantes e infecciosos del cuerpo, pero puede resultar muy molesta. El mejor tratamiento para la tos dependerá de la causa subyacente. Existen muchas posibles causas, entre las que se incluyen las alergias, las infecciones y el reflujo ácido. Algunos remedios naturales pueden aliviar […]

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Weight may affect the risk of flu hospitalization

Weight may affect the risk of flu hospitalization

According to a recent study, individuals may be more likely to be hospitalized due to the flu or another respiratory virus if they are underweight or at the higher end of the obesity scale. The risk of hospitalization due to a flu is higher among people who are underweight or obese. Observational data for the […]

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What are the symptoms of HIV in women?

What are the symptoms of HIV in women?

HIV can affect anyone, and some symptoms may be different in women. In late 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates, more than 250,000 women in the United States were living with HIV. Below, we describe HIV symptoms in women, how doctors diagnose the condition and what treatment options are available. Image […]

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How can you clear up sinus congestion?

How can you clear up sinus congestion?

Sinus congestion occurs when a condition causes fluid to become trapped in the sinuses, making them feel blocked and painful. Many natural home remedies can help a person feel better, including hydration, steam inhalation, and applying a warm, wet towel to the face. A virus or cold is the most common cause of sinus congestion, […]

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Can you take a Z pack for a cold?

Can you take a Z pack for a cold?

The Z pack is a 5-day antibiotic treatment that does not work on the common cold. Viral infections cause the common cold, but the Z pack only works on bacterial infections. People should only use the Z pack under a doctor’s supervision, as taking antibiotics unnecessarily could do more harm than good. Doctors may recommend […]

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What is empyema?

What is empyema?

Empyema is a condition that affects the space between the outermost layer of the lungs and the layer touching the chest wall, known as the pleural space. This space exists to help the lungs expand and contract. The pleural space naturally contains a small amount of fluid. Empyema happens when extra fluid begins to collect […]

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Fever and pregnancy: Is there a link?

Fever and pregnancy: Is there a link?

Feeling warm or flushed can be a symptom of pregnancy. Changes in the body during pregnancy can cause similar symptoms to those that accompany a fever. During pregnancy, a woman may also be more susceptible to infections, such as colds and the flu. Pregnancy weakens the immune system to help ensure that the body does […]