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How to improve eyesight without glasses

How to improve eyesight without glasses

Eyesight can deteriorate as people get older or due to certain health conditions. However, there are a number of natural ways a person can protect and improve their vision without the need for corrective glasses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that in the United States around 12 million people of 40 […]

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Single injection gives mammals night vision

Single injection gives mammals night vision

Scientists at the cutting edge of nanotechnology are on the path to the seemingly impossible: creating an injection that allows us to see in the dark. This research opens the door to brand new therapeutic interventions. Nanotechnology and vision science may have a bright future. The mammalian eye can only respond to a small band […]

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How to treat eye discharge in newborns

How to treat eye discharge in newborns

Eye discharge is common in newborns and is commonly due to a blocked tear duct. A person can often treat an infant with a blocked tear duct at home. However, discharge that occurs alongside other symptoms in the eye area, such as redness, swelling, or tenderness, may be a sign of an infection or another […]

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How to treat pinkeye at home

How to treat pinkeye at home

Pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition. People can relieve irritation, itchiness, and discomfort at home, using various natural remedies. In this article, we discuss five possible home remedies for pinkeye.

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What is orbital cellulitis?

What is orbital cellulitis?

Orbital cellulitis is an infection of the soft tissues within the eye socket. It is a serious condition that, without treatment, can lead to permanent vision loss and life-threatening complications. Orbital cellulitis, which is sometimes called postseptal cellulitis, can occur at any age, but it most commonly affects young children. The infection develops behind the […]

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Treating a chalazion at home

Treating a chalazion at home

A chalazion is a small, slow-growing lump or cyst that develops within the eyelid. They are not usually painful and rarely last longer than a few weeks. A chalazion can develop when a meibomian gland at the edge of an eyelid becomes blocked or inflamed. These glands produce oil that lubricates the surface of the […]

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Do I have night blindness?

Do I have night blindness?

Night blindness, or nyctalopia, is where the eye is unable to adapt to low-light conditions, such as at nighttime. Night blindness itself is not a condition but the result of an existing eye disorder. When lighting is dim, the eye must adapt. Although night blindness adversely affects a person’s ability to see in dim light, […]

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Screen time disrupts sleep by resetting internal clocks

Screen time disrupts sleep by resetting internal clocks

Recent research has uncovered how light-sensitive cells in the eye can reset the internal clock when exposed to light. The light from our smartphones may affect our retinal cells, disrupting our circadian rhythms. The discovery could help explain why prolonged exposure to light that is out of sync with a person’s natural, or circadian, rhythm […]

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3 (or more) spooky ways to trick your brain this Halloween

3 (or more) spooky ways to trick your brain this Halloween

If you want some thrills this Halloween, you should try tricking yourself for a change. In this Spotlight, we look at some spooky experiments that’ll trick the brain and ask intriguing questions about consciousness and perception. Treat yourself to some scientific ‘spooks’ this Halloween. In Act One, Scene Five of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the […]

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How do you treat a droopy eyelid?

How do you treat a droopy eyelid?

Droopy eyelid or ptosis is when the upper eyelid droops downward. Doctors can treat a droopy eyelid with surgery, although this may depend on the cause. Reasons why an eyelid may droop include genetics or damage to the eye, and the condition is more likely with age. Treatment may not be necessary in cases where […]