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Should I get checked for cancer?

Should I get checked for cancer?

Cancer can affect various tissues in the body, causing a range of signs and symptoms, such as weight loss, fatigue, skin changes, and a persistent cough. Anyone who experiences persistent or worrisome symptoms should consult a doctor. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer was the second leading cause of death […]

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Different types of nipples

Different types of nipples

The appearance of nipples can vary significantly from one person to another. There is no normal nipple and no formal medical description of nipple types. Nipples may be protruding, puffy, hairy, inverted, flat, bumpy, or a combination. Usually, the appearance of nipples makes no difference in how they function, and it poses no risks. Some […]

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Can diabetes influence cancer’s spread?

Can diabetes influence cancer’s spread?

Some researchers argue that there may be a direct link between having diabetes and exposure to an increased risk of metastasis in cancer. New research validates this idea, explaining how diabetes can elevate this risk. New research investigates how diabetes may promote the spread of cancer. Hundreds of millions of people across the globe live […]

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Cancer treatments: Patients need to know heart risks

Cancer treatments: Patients need to know heart risks

Recent research on the health risks that people undergoing cancer treatment face warns that there is a lack of awareness about the risks that some of these therapies can pose to heart health. Not enough cancer patients are aware of the potential adverse effects of cancer treatment on their heart. Investigators from Flinders University in […]

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Is it better to ‘contain’ rather than destroy cancer?

Is it better to ‘contain’ rather than destroy cancer?

A new approach to cancer therapy suggests that doctors may be able to keep cancer in check by placing metastatic cells in a state of dormancy, thus blocking them from giving rise to new tumors. A recent study in mice has found that an existing drug could effectively contain metastatic breast cancer cells. A minimally […]

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Breast cancer: Estrogen byproducts may predict outlook

Breast cancer: Estrogen byproducts may predict outlook

New research finds a link between the ratio of two types of estrogen metabolites and the risk of mortality from any cause among women who receive a diagnosis of breast cancer. New research adds another factor that may predict a person’s outlook after a breast cancer diagnosis. Approximately 1 in 8 women in the United […]

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Could reused cooking oil trigger breast cancer spread?

Could reused cooking oil trigger breast cancer spread?

A recent study in mice showed that reheated cooking oil might trigger cell changes that can promote late-stage breast cancer growth. A new study looks at the effect of reused cooking oil on breast cancer metastasis. Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign tested “thermally abused frying oil,” which is cooking oil that has […]

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Time-restricted eating may prevent tumor growth

Time-restricted eating may prevent tumor growth

Researchers have already identified obesity as a risk factor for cancer, so some doctors recommend reducing caloric intake to help prevent tumors. However, a new study now finds that prevention may be less about how many calories you consume and more about when you eat your meals. Research in mouse models shows that time-restricted eating […]

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How destroying a tumor promoter could lead to new cancer treatments

How destroying a tumor promoter could lead to new cancer treatments

Scientists have cracked a cell mechanism that drives tumor formation in most types of cancer. This finding could lead to much-needed new therapies for cancer, including the hard-to-treat triple-negative breast cancer. Scientists have zoomed in on a cellular mechanism that stabilizes a tumor-driving protein. Disrupting it may lead to new therapies. The discovery concerns the […]