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Keep Your Skin Glowing With Good Health in 2019

Keep Your Skin Glowing With Good Health in 2019

Latest Skin News MONDAY, Dec. 31, 2018 (HealthDay News) — One of your New Year’s resolutions should be to be good to your skin, and dermatologists have 10 ways to help. “All the stresses and excesses of the holidays can leave your skin in bad shape, which makes you feel low, too,” said Dr. Megan […]

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Health Tip: Nail Changes to Take Seriously

Health Tip: Nail Changes to Take Seriously

(HealthDay News) — A change in your nails may be no cause for concern, but certain changes should be taken seriously, the American Academy of Dermatology says. Latest Skin News The academy suggests visiting a dermatologist at the first sign of: A dark streak. This could be a sign of melanoma skin cancer. A nail […]

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Are Freckles Harmful? Freckles are harmless. They may sometimes be confused with more serious skin problems. Conversely, more serious problems such as skin cancer may at times be passed over as a mere freckle. Anyone who has one or more pigmented spots of which they are not certain should be seen by a dermatologist. Treatments […]

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What to know about acanthosis nigricans

What to know about acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes the skin to become darker and thicker. It most often appears in the skin folds around the neck, groin, and armpits. Other symptoms include itching and an odor. Acanthosis nigricans has links with obesity and diabetes, and treatment involves addressing the underlying disorder. In rare cases, a […]

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How to treat paronychia (an infected nail)

How to treat paronychia (an infected nail)

Paronychia is a skin infection that develops around the nail. It occurs when bacteria or fungi get under the skin. Paronychia can result from biting or chewing the nails, but it is more common when working conditions require the hands to be frequently wet or exposed to chemicals. Most cases of paronychia are not serious, […]

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What does a wolf spider bite look like? Is it dangerous?

What does a wolf spider bite look like? Is it dangerous?

Wolf spider bites are not dangerous and do not usually require specific medical attention. In rare instances, a person may be allergic to spider bites. If this is the case, they will experience more pronounced symptoms and may feel generally unwell. However, this form of allergy is unusual. In general, a person can treat a […]

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How to tell the difference between lice and dandruff

How to tell the difference between lice and dandruff

Lice are easy to confuse with dandruff, which is a very common problem. While lice are a temporary infestation, dandruff is a chronic skin condition. Every year, 6 to 12 million people in the United States get head lice. Most are children ages 3 to 12 years old. Both lice and dandruff are usually treatable […]

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Síntomas, causas y tratamiento para el herpes

Síntomas, causas y tratamiento para el herpes

El herpes es una infección causada por el VHS (virus del herpes simple). Afecta a los genitales externos, la región anal, las superficies de la mucosa y la piel de otras partes del cuerpo. El herpes se considera una enfermedad a largo plazo. Sin embargo, muchas personas nunca han padecido los síntomas, incluso aunque sean […]

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Todo lo que necesita saber sobre los herpes labiales

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre los herpes labiales

Los herpes labiales son pequeñas heridas o lesiones similares a las ampollas que aparecen en los labios, barbilla, mejillas, dentro de las fosas nasales, encías o paladar (estas dos últimas con menos frecuencia). Normalmente, producen dolor, una sensación de ardor o picazón antes de que se rompan y formen una costra. Se suelen denominar con […]

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Diez remedios para las aftas

Diez remedios para las aftas

Las aftas pueden ser dolorosas e irritantes. Aunque suelen desaparecer por sí solas en una semana, existen diversas formas de acelerar el proceso y reducir el malestar. Además de los medicamentos sin receta, existen algunos remedios caseros que pueden ayudar con el malestar de las aftas y ayudar a que se curen. Descubra 10 formas […]