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What are the real zombies?

What are the real zombies?

Zombies have become staple figures of popular culture, and the zombie apocalypse is a trope that features in many books, movies, and TV series. But are there actual, real cases of zombiism in nature? Read this special feature to find out. Share on PinterestAre there any real cases of zombification? We investigate. Zombie. The walking […]

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Cannabinoid use for mental health conditions lacks evidence

Cannabinoid use for mental health conditions lacks evidence

New research concludes that there is not enough evidence to justify the use of medicinal cannabinoids to improve mental health. New research questions the benefits of medicinal cannabinoids for treating anxiety or depression. A recent paper on the findings in The Lancet Psychiatry describes how the study, which takes the form of a meta-analysis, combines […]

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Health Tip: Understanding Social Anxiety

Health Tip: Understanding Social Anxiety

(HealthDay News) — About 7 percent of Americans are affected by social anxiety disorder, a mental illness in which a person feels uncontrollable fear during social situations. Latest Mental Health News These instances may range from answering a question in class to talking to a cashier at a grocery store. Often, people with social anxiety […]

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What is trichotillomania?

What is trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania, or pathological hair pulling, is a common but underdiagnosed psychological disorder. People with trichotillomania experience an overwhelming urge to pull out their hair. Many people who have trichotillomania may not know that they have a diagnosable condition. They may simply view their hair pulling as a bad habit. Others may experience severe physical and […]

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What’s the link between anxiety and shortness of breath?

What’s the link between anxiety and shortness of breath?

Anxiety is very prevalent, but its triggers vary among individuals, who will also experience it in many different ways. Some people with anxiety may notice that they have shortness of breath. Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a common symptom of anxiety. As with other anxiety symptoms, it can feel worrying, but it is ultimately […]

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Common symptoms of depression: What to know

Common symptoms of depression: What to know

You have chosen to share the following article: How elderberries can help you fight the flu To proceed, simply complete the form below, and a link to the article will be sent by email on your behalf.Note: Please don’t include any URLs in your comments, as they will be removed upon submission. We do not […]

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Can Medical Pot Ease Mental Ills? Study Says Probably Not

Can Medical Pot Ease Mental Ills? Study Says Probably Not

By Dennis ThompsonHealthDay Reporter Latest Mental Health News MONDAY, Oct. 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) — People struggling with anxiety, depression or other psychiatric problems shouldn’t pin their hopes on medical marijuana, a new review suggests. Dozens of studies involving more than 3,000 people did not provide compelling evidence that medical cannabis can help treat disorders […]

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Vyvanse vs. Adderall

Vyvanse vs. Adderall

Vyvanse vs. Adderall comparison of differences Adderall and Vyvanse are amphetamines, which are stimulants that increase the level of important chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Amphetamines are used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Vyvanse is approved to treat these disorders as well as moderate-to-severe binge eating disorder. The difference between the […]