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What can cause a bump on the lip?

What can cause a bump on the lip?

Lip bumps can sometimes be painful or uncomfortable, but they are often harmless and will clear up without treatment. There are many possible causes, including infections, allergic reactions, and lip injuries. Lips bumps can vary in size, appearance, and associated symptoms. Treatment depends on the cause, but a person can often use over-the-counter (OTC) medications […]

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What can cause spots on the tongue?

There are many tiny spots or bumps on the tongue that people need for taste and sensation. But spots on the tongue that are unusual in size or appearance could be the sign of a health issue. Causes of unusual spots include lie bumps, burns, canker sores, infections, and oral cancer. Learn more here.

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Signs and symptoms of medullary thyroid cancer

Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare type of thyroid cancer. The earliest sign of MTC is typically a painless lump in the neck. Later symptoms can include pain or discomfort, hoarseness, coughing, and difficulty swallowing or breathing. If caught early, the outlook for MTC is often very good. Learn more here.

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How to remove earwax at home

How to remove earwax at home

Earwax, also called cerumen, serves an essential function in the body. It helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt, hair, and other debris from the ear canal. Earwax lowers the risk of infection and prevents the ear canal from feeling uncomfortable and itchy. It also helps to reduce the irritation that water causes when it […]

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Why do I feel pain in my ear when swallowing?

Why do I feel pain in my ear when swallowing?

Ear pain when swallowing can be extremely uncomfortable and interfere with everyday activities such as eating, drinking, and talking. There are many reasons why a person’s ears might hurt when they swallow. The three most common causes of this pain are infections of the: ear nose throat In this article, learn the best ways to […]

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What to know about otomycosis

What to know about otomycosis

Otomycosis is a fungal infection in the outer ear. An otomycosis infection causes inflammation, dry skin, and a smelly discharge in the ear canal. People most likely to be affected by otomycosis include those who live in warm, tropical climates, and those who participate in water sports. Otomycosis is often easily treated with topical antifungal […]