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Just one workout offers long-lasting metabolic benefits

Just one workout offers long-lasting metabolic benefits

New research in mice finds that a single workout activates a brain circuit associated with a lower appetite, lower blood sugar levels, and better metabolism. Moreover, this effect lasted for 2 days after the workout. The findings may help improve blood sugar metabolism in people with diabetes. A single workout can offer long-lasting metabolic benefits. […]

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How to recognize the symptoms of diabetes

How to recognize the symptoms of diabetes

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes limit the body’s ability to control the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood. Both types of diabetes present similar symptoms, so knowing the signs of each can help a person seek immediate and appropriate care. The two primary types of diabetes are called type 1 and type […]

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Type 1 diabetes: Drawing nearer to treatment that generates new insulin cells

Type 1 diabetes: Drawing nearer to treatment that generates new insulin cells

Recent research has broken new ground in the quest for a type 1 diabetes treatment that generates insulin-making cells. New research furthers our understanding of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Neuherberg, Germany have mapped the signals that determine the destiny of […]

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Does diabetes cause hair loss?

Does diabetes cause hair loss?

Diabetes can cause a range of symptoms and health issues, including hair loss. However, good blood sugar control may help reverse the effects of hair loss. Hair loss is a natural part of the hair’s life cycle. As hair reaches the final stage of the cycle, it will fall out. A new hair will typically […]

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What causes purple feet?

What causes purple feet?

Purple or blue feet may be a sign of an underlying health condition. Some possible causes of foot discoloration include injuries, Raynaud’s disease, peripheral arterial disease, and frostbite. Skin can become blue or purple due to bruising, but this color change can also indicate that not enough oxygen-rich blood is reaching the area. The feet […]

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Type 2 diabetes: How do fructose-sweetened drinks affect risk?

Type 2 diabetes: How do fructose-sweetened drinks affect risk?

A new review of existing studies published in The BMJ finds that sugary drinks that contain fructose raise the risk of type 2 diabetes more than other fructose-containing foods. New research finds that ‘nutrient-poor’ sweetened drinks have a harmful effect on metabolic health when they add excess energy. A range of recent studies has pointed […]

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How to treat diabetes

How to treat diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively. It is not curable for most people, but treatments include medication, lifestyle adjustments, and management of diabetes’ various complications. The main aim of diabetes treatment is to return blood sugar to a safe threshold and reduce the risk of […]

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What to know about type 1 diabetes

What to know about type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes requires lifelong treatment once it develops. The body does not produce enough insulin, and blood glucose levels remain high unless a person takes steps to manage high blood sugar. In the United States, an estimated 0.55 percent of adults have type 1 diabetes. This makes up around 5 percent of people with […]

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Who discovered insulin?

Who discovered insulin?

Insulin is central to the treatment of diabetes, as all types of diabetes occur due to the body’s inability to use blood sugar efficiently as a result of insufficient, ineffective, or nonexistent insulin supplies. The innovative scientists who discovered insulin won a Nobel prize, but the discovery also caused controversy. The discovery of insulin occurred […]