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Can the keto diet treat epilepsy?

Can the keto diet treat epilepsy?

The keto diet is low in carbohydrates and protein and very high in fat. Evidence suggests that it can reduce the frequency of seizures, and some people with epilepsy who follow the diet stop experiencing seizures altogether. Typically, people who try the diet for this purpose are also taking antiepileptic medications. However, the keto diet […]

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What to know about peeing after sex

What to know about peeing after sex

People may have heard that peeing after sex is beneficial, especially for women. This is because peeing flushes bacteria out of the body, which may help prevent a urinary tract from developing. Here, we look at how peeing after sex may help to prevent urinary tract infections. We also discuss whether there are any other […]

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What are the differences between cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised eggs?

What are the differences between cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised eggs?

“Cage-free,” “pasture-raised,” and “free-range” describe different methods of egg production. Essentially, these terms refer to the differing levels of animal welfare standards that farmers use on their farms. There are no solid definitions of what constitutes cage, cage-free, free-range, or pasture-raised eggs. Often, certification programs offer the best indication of how farmers keep their hens, […]

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Everything you need to know about microneedling with PRP

Everything you need to know about microneedling with PRP

Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that uses a roller with fine needles to prick the skin. This device stimulates extra collagen production, which can help heal scars and reduce signs of aging. Microneedling with plasma-rich platelets (PRP) uses part of the blood from the person having the procedure to rejuvenate the skin. In this article, […]

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Causes of heavy vaginal discharge

Causes of heavy vaginal discharge

Regular vaginal discharge is a sign of a healthy female reproductive system. Normal vaginal discharge contains a mixture of cervical mucus, vaginal fluid, dead cells, and bacteria. Females may experience heavy vaginal discharge from arousal or during ovulation. However, excessive vaginal discharge that smells bad or looks unusual can indicate an underlying condition. This articles […]

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Why is it so difficult to say no to that piece of cake?

Why is it so difficult to say no to that piece of cake?

Using rats, researchers have discovered that a specific circuit in the brain seems to drive impulsive eating. Could this lead to a therapy for people who are dealing with the adverse effects of overeating? Share on PinterestNew research helps explain why delicious food is sometimes so hard to resist. Why is it that, despite our […]

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Find a local Obstetrician-Gynecologist in your town Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) facts* Picture of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) *Pelvic inflammatory facts medical author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection and inflammation of a woman’s pelvic organs including the uterus (womb), Fallopian tubes (tubes), ovaries, and cervix. PID is very common […]

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Ingrown Hair

Ingrown Hair

What is the treatment for an ingrown hair? Although an ingrown hair can heal on its own and spontaneously dislodge, in some cases, it may be tough to get rid of it. Available treatments include chemical depilatories, improved shaving techniques, topical antibiotics if infected, medical removal of the ingrown hair by small incision and pulling […]

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Gonorrhea In Women

Gonorrhea In Women

Gonorrhea definition and facts Picture of Gonorrhea Bacterial Infection Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that is transmitted during sexual activity. Gonorrhea is not transmitted from toilet seats. Women infected with gonorrhea may not have any symptoms. Common gonorrhea symptoms and signs include vaginal discharge and pain when a woman urinates. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics. Gonorrhea […]

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Weight Lifting (Resistance Exercise)

Weight Lifting (Resistance Exercise)

Resistance exercise is a great way to round out an aerobic workout and help you stay strong. Pumped any iron lately? If not, you may want to consider it. Resistance exercise is a great way to round out an aerobic workout and help you stay strong. I’ll discuss the ins and outs of resistance exercise […]