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Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Working with a cohort of young people with symptoms of PTSD and depression, researchers found that practicing transcendental meditation can help reduce or even reverse these symptoms. New evidence indicates that some types of meditation can successfully tackle mental health issues. Studies have shown that meditation practices can have a significant, positive effect on mental […]

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Aggressive brain cancer: Why does immunotherapy fail?

Aggressive brain cancer: Why does immunotherapy fail?

New research that now appears in the journal Nature Medicine examined glioblastoma tumors, and the results move scientists closer to understanding why this form of brain cancer does not respond as well to immunotherapy as other cancers. Doctors may soon be able to predict which people with glioblastoma will respond to immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a […]

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VIH y SIDA: Definición y diferencias

VIH y SIDA: Definición y diferencias

El VIH es un virus que aborda y altera el sistema inmunológico, por lo que se incrementa el riesgo de aparición e impacto de otras infecciones y enfermedades. Sin tratamiento, podría progresar a una etapa avanzada de la enfermedad llamada SIDA. Sin embargo, los avances modernos de los tratamientos han conseguido que las personas con […]

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Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

La hipertensión es una forma alternativa de denominar a la presión arterial elevada. Puede derivar en complicaciones graves e incrementar el riesgo de sufrir una cardiopatía, un accidente cerebrovascular y la muerte. La presión arterial se define como la fuerza que ejerce la sangre contra las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos. Esta presión depende del […]

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Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Las mujeres de todas las edades aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas, lo que se conoce como mastalgia. El dolor puede aparecer antes o después de la menopausia. Sin embargo, es más común durante los años de reproducción. Cerca del 70 por ciento de las mujeres aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas durante […]

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How Do You Get Rid of Restless Leg Syndrome?

How Do You Get Rid of Restless Leg Syndrome?

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? Restless Leg Syndrome is an often uncontrollable urge to twitch and move your legs – especially when sitting or lying down. It isn’t curable and the cause is unclear, but it’s a neurological problem that researchers theorize may result from a lack of iron in the brain or a physiological […]

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What Is the Best Treatment for Impetigo?

What Is the Best Treatment for Impetigo?

What is impetigo? Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection that causes a rash that forms blisters and can ooze pus, causing a crust. Impetigo can be caused by different kinds of bacteria, including strep and staph. Usually, impetigo is easy to treat and rarely leaves scarring. Are there home remedies for impetigo? An impetigo infection […]

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Being Socially Active Helps Older Folk Age Well

Being Socially Active Helps Older Folk Age Well

Latest Senior Health News WEDNESDAY, Feb. 20, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Interacting with lots of different people may help you live longer and healthier, a new study suggests. Older people who spend more time with family members, close friends, acquaintances, casual friends and even strangers were more likely to be physically active, spend less time […]

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‘Miracle’ Young Blood Infusion Treatments Unproven, Potentially Harmful: FDA

‘Miracle’ Young Blood Infusion Treatments Unproven, Potentially Harmful: FDA

Latest Senior Health News TUESDAY, Feb. 19, 2019 (HealthDay News) — They’re often called “vampire” treatments, in which people undergo infusions of a young donor’s blood plasma to treat everything from aging to Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis. But these expensive “fountain of youth” therapies are unproven and potentially unsafe, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration […]